Friday, May 29, 2009

Drugs & Sloths

So i've been lending a hand with this Sloth web-cartoon which is incredible. First of all it has Sloths and if you aren't sold yet its really funny too, the new episode just came out (the one i helped out on). It can be seen here:


You can see the earlier episodes here:

Sloth Vision

Also my older brother has asked me to storyboard and animate the opening to his latest documentary "Sick & Tired of being Sick & Tired". It's easily the most disturbing and fucking crazy animation I have done and am very excited about it even if it probably won't last more than fifteen seconds.

Here's the character design for the strung-out drug addict in the opening. Hope to have something put together by August when he will be screening a piece of the documentary.

I just did another voice over session with my lead guy & plan to do a finished animatic very soon. I don't plan on making any more major changes to the screenplay at this point, it's putting me back too much I just have to go with it at this point. I'm also making a documentary about the guy doing my main voice over, he's a close friend and I feel he lives a well... interesting lifestyle. It should be fun, i'll put something up on youtube when it is finished.


  1. LOL it looks fucking crazy XDDDD i think i seen this pic before...

  2. Haha it's from Manga Maniac, it's the best pic I had of the guy. But that's the guy I am documenting so I chose that pic.

    This is where it's from:

  3. That was funny!! Didnt know you were working on these. Glad to see you're keep busy. Continue the good work. I miss all you guys!!
